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Jeanne de France et l'Annonciade
Authors: ---
ISBN: 2204073431 9782204073431 Year: 2004 Publisher: Paris Cerf

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Au cœur des réformes qui marquent le début du XVIe siècle, Jeanne de France (1464-1505), fille de Louis XI, et son confesseur, le père Gabriel-Maria (1462-1532), franciscain de l'Observance, fondent conjointement l'Ordre de la Vierge Marie, plus connu sous le nom de l'Annonciade. Cet ordre a connu un réel développement au XVIIe siècle. À la veille de la Révolution, il compte une cinquantaine de monastères dans la France actuelle (Aquitaine, Lorraine, Nord, Île-de-France...), ainsi qu'en Belgique et en Allemagne. Au XIXe siècle, l'Annonciade se reconstitue et donne également naissance à une branche apostolique. Aujourd'hui, sept monastères (six en France, un en Belgique), plusieurs congrégations apostoliques et une Fraternité séculière continuent de vivre du charisme de sainte Jeanne de France : plaire à Dieu en vivant l'Évangile à la manière de la Vierge. Cette spiritualité a marqué les origines des Bénédictines du Saint Sacrement (leur fondatrice, Catherine de Bar, ayant été d'abord une annonciade) et celles de l'ordre religieux polonais des Mariens, fondé au début du XVIIe siècle. Le colloque international qui s'est tenu à l'Institut catholique de Paris les 13 et 14 mars 2002 a cherché à renouveler l'historiographie de l'Annonciade et de ses fondateurs : ancrage franciscain, contexte social et politique, iconographie, architecture, rayonnement.

The Virgin Goddess, : Studies in the Pagan and Christian Roots of Mariology.
ISBN: 9004136398 9047412583 Year: 2004 Publisher: Leiden, Boston: Brill,

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The contemporary search for the feminine face of God is requiring a re-examination of the relationship of Christianity to the pagan world in which it came to birth. Stephen Benko approaches this study as both an historian and a Christian believer. Inquiring into extra-biblical sources of Marian piety, belief and doctrine, he proposes 'that there is a direct line, unbroken and clearly discernible, from the goddess-cults of the ancients to the reverence paid and eventually the cult accorded to the Virgin Mary.' Chapter by chapter he seeks to establish his conclusion that 'in Mariology the Christian genius preserved and transformed some of the best and noblest ideas that paganism developed. Rather than being a 'regression' into Paganism, Mariology is a progression toward a clearer and better understanding of the feminine aspect of the divine and the role of the female in the history of salvation.' This publication has also been published in hardback, please click here for details.

The church and Mary : papers read at the 2001 summer meeting and the 2002 winter meeting of the Ecclesiastical History Society
Authors: ---
ISSN: 04242084 ISBN: 0954680901 9780954680909 Year: 2004 Volume: 39 Publisher: Woodbridge The Boydell Press

Missing Mary : the Queen of heaven and her re-emergence in the modern church
ISBN: 1403963983 Year: 2004 Publisher: New York Houndmills Basingstoke Palgrave Macmillan

Authors: ---
ISBN: 0826457886 9781441188274 1441188274 9780826457882 1282710567 9786612710568 Year: 2004 Publisher: London Continuum

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In recent years Mary has stepped out of the closet of piety and devotion and become the subject of serious theological study and work. For too long Mary was an icon for the repression of women by a male dominated Church, but now Mary is seen as a vital theological symbol, a symbol of true femininity and true humanity which the Church and the modern world needs urgently. Jung has argued that the Definition of the Doctrine of the Assumption was the most important religious event since the Reformation: the feminine principle has been absorbed into the Godhead. Yet amongst some modern Catholics, a.

Splendore di bellezza : l'iconografia dell'Immacolata Concezione nella pittura rinascimentale italiana.
Authors: ---
ISBN: 8820976161 9788820976163 Year: 2004 Publisher: Roma Ed. Vaticana

Il dogma dell'immacolata concezione di Maria : problemi attuali e tentativi di recomprensione : atti del XIV Simposio internazionale mariologico, Roma, 7-10 ottobre 2003.
ISBN: 8887016682 9788887016680 Year: 2004 Volume: 14 Publisher: Roma Marianum

Dürer and the Virgin in the garden.
ISBN: 1857093658 Year: 2004 Publisher: London National Gallery

The miraculous image in the Late Middle Ages and Renaissance : papers from a conference held at the Accademia di Danimarca in collaboration with the Bibliotheca Hertziana (Max-Planck-Institut für Kunstgeschichte) Rome, 31 may - 2 june 2003
Authors: --- --- --- ---
ISBN: 8882652912 9788882652913 Year: 2004 Volume: 35

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iconography --- miracles --- Iconography --- anno 500-1499 --- anno 1500-1599 --- Christian art and symbolism --- Christianity and the arts --- Christian antiquities --- Miracles --- Art et symbolisme chrétiens --- Christianisme et art --- Antiquités chrétiennes --- Congresses. --- Congresses --- Congrès --- Mary, --- Apparitions and miracles --- 704.948 --- Arts Religion --- Conferences - Meetings --- Art et symbolisme chrétiens --- Antiquités chrétiennes --- Congrès --- Art, Christian --- Art, Ecclesiastical --- Arts in the church --- Christian symbolism --- Ecclesiastical art --- Symbolism and Christian art --- Religious art --- Symbolism --- Church decoration and ornament --- ʻAdhrāʼ --- Arogyamata --- Ārōkkiyamāta --- Birhen ng mga Dukha --- Blessed Lady --- Blessed Mother --- Blessed Virgin Mary, --- Hagnē Theotokos --- Madonna, The --- Mama Mary --- Mare de Déu --- Maria, --- Mariam Astuatsatsin --- Marie, --- Marie Théotokos --- Marii︠a︡, --- Maryam, --- Maryja, --- Meryem Ana --- Miryam, --- Mother of God --- Muíre, --- Nossa Senhora --- Our Lady --- Our Lady of Good Health --- Our Lady of Sorrows --- Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament --- Qiddīsah Maryam --- Theotokos --- Vierge Marie, --- Virgen María --- Virgin Mary, --- Virgin of the Poor --- Ynang Maria --- مريم --- مريم العذراء --- 성모마리아 --- Our Lady of Emmitsburg --- Majka Isusova --- Medieval, 500-1500 --- 1450-1600 (Renaissance) --- Middle Ages, 500-1500 --- Symbolism in art --- Christian art and symbolism - Medieval, 500-1500 - Congresses --- Christian art and symbolism - Renaissance, 1450-1600 - Congresses --- Images miraculeuses --- Mary, - Blessed Virgin, Saint - Art - Congresses --- Mary, - Blessed Virgin, Saint - Apparitions and miracles - Italy - Congresses --- Mariam Astuatsatsin, --- Meryem Ana, --- Virgen María, --- Ynang Maria, --- Mary, - Blessed Virgin, Saint

Maria - Mittlerin aller Gnaden : die universale Gnadenmittlerschaft Mariens im theologischen und seelsorglichen Schaffen von Kardinal Mercier (1851-1926)
ISBN: 3791719300 9783791719306 Year: 2004 Volume: 17 Publisher: Regensburg Pustet

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Mercier, Désiré, --- Mary, --- Mediation --- 232.931.6 --- 2 MERCIER, DESIRE-JOSEPH --- Maria als middelares --- Godsdienst. Theologie--MERCIER, DESIRE-JOSEPH --- 2 MERCIER, DESIRE-JOSEPH Godsdienst. Theologie--MERCIER, DESIRE-JOSEPH --- 232.931.6 Maria als middelares --- Mercier, Désiré Félicien François Joseph, --- Mercier, --- Mercier, Desidério, --- Mercier, Desideratus Josephus, --- ʻAdhrāʼ --- Arogyamata --- Ārōkkiyamāta --- Birhen ng mga Dukha --- Blessed Lady --- Blessed Mother --- Blessed Virgin Mary, --- Hagnē Theotokos --- Madonna, The --- Mama Mary --- Mare de Déu --- Maria, --- Mariam Astuatsatsin --- Marie, --- Marie Théotokos --- Marii︠a︡, --- Maryam, --- Maryja, --- Meryem Ana --- Miryam, --- Mother of God --- Muíre, --- Nossa Senhora --- Our Lady --- Our Lady of Good Health --- Our Lady of Sorrows --- Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament --- Qiddīsah Maryam --- Theotokos --- Vierge Marie, --- Virgen María --- Virgin Mary, --- Virgin of the Poor --- Ynang Maria --- مريم --- مريم العذراء --- 성모마리아 --- Our Lady of Emmitsburg --- Majka Isusova --- Mediation. --- Mercier, Désiré-Joseph, --- Mercier, D. J. --- Mercier, Désiré Joseph --- Mercier, D.-J. --- Mercier, Désiré --- Mercier, Désiré Félicien François Joseph --- Mercier, Désiré --- Mercier, Désiré, - 1851-1926 --- Mary, - Blessed Virgin, Saint - Mediation --- Mariam Astuatsatsin, --- Meryem Ana, --- Virgen María, --- Ynang Maria, --- Mercier, D.J. --- Mary, - Blessed Virgin, Saint

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